Calla Lilies


Calla Lily & Rose Bouquet

A dazzling maroon red, pink, white and green bouquet to please your special lady. Beautiful sweet pink roses, maroon red calla lilies, green brassicas and white baby breath combined  with various kinds of fillers and greens make it a special bouquet for any special occasion.



White Calla and Pink Lilies Bouquet

These lovely pink lilies and white calla lilies are gracefully matched with multiple exotic fillers and greens. As the flowers open, their beauty is complemented by a pleasing sweet fragrance



Yellow Calla Lily Hand Bouquet

Few flowers are as lovely as these 8 stalks of extraordinary yellow Calla lilies and are nicely paired with fillers and greens, This is a perfect way to celebrate any special day or just to let them know you care.



Calla Lilies Bouquet

These 6 stalks of elegant yellow calla lillies bouquet is beautifully designed with white sweet williams and other blossoms and greens.



Calla lilies bouquet

A classy bouquet of 3 stalks of white calla lilies complemented by a variety of fillers and greens is a perfect choice for someone who likes something unique.



Tulips & Calla Lilies bouquet

A unique and elegant bouquet of 8 stalks of 2-tone red tulips and yellow calla and complemented with various species of fillers and greens of different texture is a perfect choice for someone who prefers something special.



Calla Lilies Vase arrangement

This bright and elegant mix of 6 stalks of yellow calla lilies, anthuriums and cymbidium orchids with various ranges of fillers and greens are nicely arranged in a glass vase will sure to bring some smiles. This arragement is perfect for any occasion.



Calla Lilies and White lilies

A thoughtfully selected bouquet of delicate flowers can turn an ordinary day into something special. 3 yellow calla lilies and 4 stalks of white lilies along with other exotic blooms and greens are beautifully arranged in a bouquet. Vase not included.



Calla Lilies, Matthiola & Rose bouquet

A unique and elegant bouquet of 3 stalks each of matthiolas and yellow calla lilies and 6 pink roses along with various species of fillers and greens of different texture is a perfect choice for someone who prefers something special.


