Love & Romance
Hand Bouquet & Basket Arrangement
Make someone smile - Send flowers to your love ones. A flower speaks a thousand words.


Calla Lily & Rose Bouquet

A dazzling maroon red, pink, white and green bouquet to please your special lady. Beautiful sweet pink roses, maroon red calla lilies, green brassicas and white baby breath combined  with various kinds of fillers and greens make it a special bouquet for any special occasion.



White Calla and Pink Lilies Bouquet

These lovely pink lilies and white calla lilies are gracefully matched with multiple exotic fillers and greens. As the flowers open, their beauty is complemented by a pleasing sweet fragrance



Yellow Calla Lily Hand Bouquet

Few flowers are as lovely as these 8 stalks of extraordinary yellow Calla lilies and are nicely paired with fillers and greens, This is a perfect way to celebrate any special day or just to let them know you care.



Lily Bouquet

A simple, but classy mixture of 5 white lilies and white eustoma and other fillers plus greens is a perfect combination. This bouquet is ideal for any occasion. Vase not included



Lily and Rose Bouquet (Round)

This elegant bouquet will catch their eye with its array of 1 dozen of champagne roses, pink lilies, red hypericum, yellow caspir plus greens.  It is sure to impress your special lady.



SunFlower Bouquet

Bright, cheerful yellows glow like a summer morning. 6 stalks of beautiful Sunflower combined with multicoloured fillers plus greens are nicely wrapped with bright yellow rice paper are sure to brighten the day. Send this bouquet for any occasion, anytime anywhere.



Rose Bouquet (Side)

Surprise someone with this gracefully designed, 10 stalks of pink rose with various kinds of colourful fillers and greens.



Tulip Hand Bouquet

Rare beauty in a refined setting. A bouquet of pink Tulips with yellow caspir, sweet William and blue statics will spark their love for you.



Tulip Bouquet

No one can resist the simple beauty of tulips. This bouquet of 6 unique 2-tones red tulips complemented with various ranges of fillers & greens are sure to impress your special lady. Vase not included.



Rose Hand Bouquet

A classy bouquet of cream white roses complemented by baby breath and variety of greens is a perfect choice for someone who likes it simple and pure.
