

Standing Arrangement

This multi-flowers arrangement delivers a wide assortment of garden blooms. Sunflowers, bird-of-paradises, champagne roses, pink spray roses, red gerberas, liatris, brassicas are sweetly designed with a variety of fillers and lust greens combined with a beautiful stand. A terrific way to celebrate someone's happy occasion.



Standing Arrangement

Present this grand and classic floral arrangement with thoughtful selection of delicate blossoms, fillers and greeneries to deliver your Best Wishes message. It comprises of sunflower, champagne roses, orange gerberas, liatris, heliconias, pink cushions, plus various ranges of exotic fillers and greenery of various species, and is complete with a beautifully decorated stand satin cloth and greens.



Standing Arrangement

Glorious summer sunflowers, bird-of-paradises, gerberas, lilies, pompoms and a variety of exotic greens assemble a bright and sunny floral arrangement. Perched on an elegant stand decorated with satin cloth, this is a striking arrangement for any official opening.



Standing Arrangement

Nothing graces a room better than this multi-coloured floral arrangement. It’s nature beauty and elegance adds just the right touch to a home or office. Orange roses, yellow and red gerberas, white and yellow lilies, calla lilies, purple eustomas and statices and others fillers and greens along with a beautiful stand.   



Standing Arrangement

Need to send flowers to congratulate someone? This gorgeous and joyful floral arrangement is perfect for that happy occasion. The blossoms include lovely sunflower, yellow roses, red gerberas, brassica, calla lilies, gladiolus and combined with fillers and assorted greeneries along with a beautiful decorated stand. 



Standing Arrangement

Send this gorgeous and joyful floral arrangement to congratulate any happy occasions. Champagne roses, sunflowers, red and yellow gerberas, yellow button poms, combined with fillers and assorted greeneries along with a beautiful box stand decorated with satin cloth. 



Standing Arrangement

Imagine an enchanting spring garden. This elegant and classic floral arrangement of multi-flowers makes it real - lovely orange roses, yellow lilies, sunflowers, brassicas, ginger flowers, bird-of-paradises, heliconias, blue hydrangens and purple eustomas and combined with various ranges of fillers and assorted greens. Best of all, you can bring this garden to that special occasion.



Standing Arrangement

Present this beautifully designed floral arrangement of delicate blossoms, fillers and greeneries to deliver your Best Wishes message. It comprises of sunflower, orange roses and gerberas, yellow lilies, liatris, matthiola and other exotic blossoms and greenery of various species and texture. It comes with a beautifully decorated stands.



Standing Arrangement

With an abundant array of bright yellows and oranges, this floral arrangement is sure to brighten that special occasion.  Sunflowers, orange roses, bird-of-paradises, yellow button poms and a variety of fillers and lush of greens along with a nice looking stand are sure to be the perfect gift to deliver your best wishes greeting.



Standing Arrangement

Present this bright and gorgeous arrangement with various blossoms to express your best wishes greetings. Champagne roses, yellow lilies, gladiolus, gerberas, liatris and complemented with various varieties of fillers and exotic lush greens along with a beautiful stand.
