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Mixed Flowers Bouquet

This multi-flowers bouquet delivers a wide assortment of garden blooms. Blue hydrangen, pink eustoma, cream gerbera, white phalaenopsis orchid, green anthurium and white dendranthema and various greens are sweetly arranged in a bouquet. A terrific way to brighten someone's day.



Rose & Hydrangea bouquet

A classy bouquet of 6 each purple and cream roses along with hydrangea complemented by eustomas and other variety of fillers and greens is a perfect choice for someone who likes something unique.



Rose & Hydrangea bouquet

A unique and classy bouquet of 6 each pink and cream roses along with dark blue hydrangea and complemented by eustomas and other variety of fillers and greens is a perfect choice for someone who prefers something different.



Hydrangea & Rose bouquet

A rare beauty in a refined setting. A bouquet of blue hydrangea with 8 stalks of champagne roses along with yellow caspirs and sweet williams will spark their love for you. It is the perfect gift to send any time of the year.



 Rose & hydrangen bouquet (Round)

Sweet and unique, this bouquet of 8 stalks of pink roses with blue hydeangen combined with multicoloured fillers and greens are ready to deliver your special greetings. Send this bouquet for any occasion


